
Don’t Fall for These 8 Common Web Design Blunders

Don’t Fall for These 8 Common Web Design Blunders

Don’t use outdated designs or styles

It’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest design trends when you are creating your website. Whether it be a simple but effective layout, or making sure that all functionality works seamlessly, customers expect websites to look modern and professional in order for them to take any online business seriously. Avoid using outdated designs or styles from past years as they may make your website look outdated and unprofessional, which could affect prospects’ overall perception of your business.

Don’t forget about mobile compatibility

It’s vital that all websites are compatible with mobile devices so customers can access them on the go. Mobile optimization is especially important to ensure a smooth experience for users as more people are using their phones to browse the web than ever before. Make sure that all of your pages are optimized for both mobile and desktop devices, or you could be missing out on potential customers.

Don’t neglect typography

Typography is an integral part of web design, and it’s important to get it right. Good typography can make a website look more professional, while bad typography can make a site look sloppy and unorganized. Invest time into researching appropriate fonts for your website as well as experimenting with different sizes to get the right balance of readability and aesthetics.

Don’t overload pages with content

It’s easy to get carried away when it comes to filling out websites with too much information, but it’s important to remember that people don’t want to be overwhelmed with too much text. Keep pages concise and limit the number of words you use wherever possible. Additionally, try breaking up large chunks of text into smaller sections which makes them easier to read and encourages customers to explore more of your website.

Don’t overlook usability

Usability is an important aspect for website design, and it shouldn’t be overlooked. Make sure that your website is intuitive to use and that all of the features are easily found. Poor usability can lead customers away from your site as they may find it confusing or difficult to navigate. Use testing tools to help you identify potential problems and make any necessary improvements.

Don’t forget about performance

Performance is an important factor in web design as it affects how quickly customers can access your website. Slow load times can lead to a bad customer experience, while fast loading time will ensure people stay engaged with your pages and stick around for longer as they navigate through them. Optimize your site by compressing any large images and files, as well as using caching techniques to improve overall performance.

Don’t overlook SEO

Search engine optimization is an important aspect of web design that needs to be taken into consideration from the start. It’s important to use relevant keywords throughout your website so that customers can easily find it in search engines. Additionally, ensure that your website is optimized for social media sharing and links back to your site so it can get more visibility.

Don’t be afraid to experiment

It’s essential to keep an open mind when designing a website as you may stumble across something unexpected which could transform how customers interact with your site. Play around with different layouts and color schemes, and you might find something that works better than what you initially planned. Experimenting can be a great way to stand out from the crowd and create an engaging experience for customers.

Don’t forget about accessibility

It’s important to remember that everyone should have equal access to your website regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Ensure that all of your pages and content are accessible to all users by using features such as large font sizes and high contrast colors. Additionally, use plugins to help optimize the usability of your website for those with disabilities. Doing this will ensure that everyone can access your website regardless of their abilities.

Avoid cramming too much information onto a single page

When it comes to web design, less is often more. Too much information on a single page can overwhelm the user and make them lose interest in your website. Try breaking up content into multiple pages so that customers aren’t overwhelmed by a wall of text. Additionally, use headings and other features to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for on your website.

Don’t underestimate the importance of visuals

Visuals are an important factor to consider when designing a website. Incorporating visuals such as images, videos, and animations can help engage customers and make them stay longer on your site. Additionally, using visuals can also help break up text so that customers don’t get bored or overwhelmed by large chunks of text. Visuals are a great way to add personality and engagement to your website, so make sure you use them effectively.

Don’t forget about customer feedback

Customer feedback is an essential part of web design as it can help identify areas that need improvement. Make sure you continuously collect customer feedback and use it to make the necessary changes to ensure that customers are getting the best experience possible. Additionally, you can use this feedback to identify any potential issues or pain points customers may be encountering with your website.


Web design is a complex process that requires careful planning and attention to detail. It’s important to consider all aspects of web design from typography and visuals to usability and performance. Additionally, make sure you don’t overlook customer feedback and accessibility as these are important factors which can affect the success of your website. Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment as it can lead to unexpected and great results. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to create an effective and engaging website that is sure to please customers.

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